Author Archive Edmilson Santos

ByEdmilson Santos

BAGEP award to Dr. Deniz Eroğlu in 2021


Deniz Eroğlu is awarded with the prestigious Science Academy’s Young Scientist Prize in Physics.

Science Academy is an independent non-governmental organization to promote, practice and uphold the principles of scientific merit, freedom and integrity. A top priority for the Science Academy is encouraging the youth to engage in good science, and rewarding the best examples. In order to choose and reward the best young academics and to support them in conducting new studies, an award program was initiated in the year 2013. Scientists younger than 40 are eligible for the award.

In special, we are glad the research developed by Deniz’s research and his group, the NoDDS lab, has been recognized. See below all winners of 2021.


ByEdmilson Santos

Professor do ICMC é eleito para Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Tiago Pereira da Silva, professor de matemática aplicada do Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação da USP. (Foto: Divulgação/CeMEAI-ICMC)


CLIQUE AQUI para ler a notícia completa!

ByEdmilson Santos

São Paulo Dynamical Systems days reúne especialistas em São Carlos

IMG 1690

CLIQUE AQUI para ler a notícia completa!

ByEdmilson Santos

Impulsive Dynamical Systems

Everaldo de Mello Bonotto


In this talk, we present the concept of impulsive dynamical systems. Moreover, we establish sufficient conditions to obtain the existence of a global attractor.

ByEdmilson Santos

Lyapunov exponents, the problem of regularity

El Hadji Yaya Tall


The study of Lyapunov exponent goes back to the stability theory for differential equations developed in the doctoral thesis of Aleksandr M. Lyapunov, in the late 19th century, since then, it grew into a very broad area and active field in ergodic theory and dynamical systems, with several outstanding problems and applications.  In the early 80’s, Ricardo Mañé observed that the Lyapunov exponents of continuous 2-dimensional cocycle can be cancelled by arbitrarily small perturbation of the cocycle. The proof of this observation was completed by Jairo Bochi.

In 2010, Carlos Bocker and Marcelo Viana have proven that the Lyapunov exponent of random 2-dimensional cocycle vary always continuously with respect to the probability distribution. This result was also extended in arbitrarily dimensional by Artur Avila, Alex Eskin and Marcelo Viana. Recently Marcelo Viana and myself have proven that the Lyapunov exponents of random 2-dimensional cocycle are Hölder continuous functions of the underlying probability distribution at each point with simple Lyapunov spectrum. Moreover, they are log-Hölder continuous at every point.

I will first discuss the problem of continuity and give some ideas and results about Hölder continuity.

ByEdmilson Santos

Foliated Brownian motion and Harmonic measures.

Diego Sebastian Ledesma


For a foliated manifold, we present the construction of foliated Brownian motion via stochastic calculus adapted to foliation. The stochastic approach together with a proposed foliated vector calculus provide a natural method to work on harmonic measures. Also, we show a decomposition of the Laplacian in terms of the foliated and basic Laplacians, a characterization of totally invariant measures and a differential equation for the density of harmonic measures.

ByEdmilson Santos

Contribuições ao problema da continuidade para expoentes de Lyapunov

Adriana Sánchez Chavarría


Varios autores tem estudado o problema da continuidade dos expoentes de Lyapunov. Exemplo disto são os trabalhos de Bochi-Mañé, Bocker-Viana e Backes, Butler e Brown. No primeiro, os autores mostraram que todo SL(2)-cociclo contínuo que não é uniformemente hiperbólico pode ser aproximado por outro com expoentes nulos. Os outros dois mostram continuidade dos expoentes para o produto aleatorio de matrices com medidas de soporte compacto e quando a base é um deslocamento de tipo finito respetivamente.

Nesta palestra explicarei estos resultados e as principais diferenças respeto a os casos parcialmente hiperbólico e medidas com soporte não compacto.

ByEdmilson Santos

Geometric Anosov Actions

Uirá Norberto Matos de Almeida


There exists a long standing conjecture about the algebricity of Anosov actions of higher ranked abelian groups. On this talk, we present some work in progress on a especial cases of this conjecture, based on a similar work about the algebricity of Anosov Flows on dimension 5, by Young Fang. We consider an Anosov action with smooth invariant stable and unstable bundles that preserves a pseudo-metric, and present some partial results on the algebricity of such actions.

ByEdmilson Santos

Onset of diffusion in the kicked Harper model

Fabio Tal


We study a standard two-parameter family of area-preserving torus diffeomorphisms, known as the kicked Harper model in theoretical physics, by a combination of topological arguments and KAM-theory. We concentrate on the structure of the parameter sets where the rotation set has empty and non-empty interior, respectively, and describe their qualitative properties and scaling behaviour both for small and large parameters. This confirms numerical observations about the onset of diffusion in the physics literature. As a byproduct, we obtain the continuity of the rotation set within the class of Hamiltonian torus homeomorphisms.
This is Joint work w. T. Jäger and A. Koropecki

ByEdmilson Santos

Lift problem and equilibrium states

Vilton Pinheiro


In the first lecture we will talk about the problem of lifting a measure to an induced map. We will give a necessary and sufficient condition for a measure to be liftable as well as a condition for the lift to be ergodic and unique.

The second lecture will be dedicated to construct induced maps well adapted to a given ergodic invariant probability with all its Lyapunov exponents being positive (expanding measure).

Finally, in the third lecture, we will discuss about equilibrium states on the support of an ergodic invariant expanding probability. In particular, (1)  we will show that Viana maps have one and only one probability maximizing their entropy and (2) we will analyze the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium states for Hölder potentials at high temperature.