Alípio M. Jorge is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto and the coordinator of LIAAD, the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Lab of UP. LIAAD is a unit of INESC TEC (Laboratório Associado) since 2007. Previously LIAAD was part of LIACC. He is PhD in Computer Science by U. Porto, MSc. on Foundations of Advanced Information Technology by the Imperial College and BSc. in Applied Maths and Computer Science, currently Computer Science (U. Porto). His research interests are Data Mining and Machine Learning, in particular association rules, web intelligence and data mining for decision support. His past research also includes Inductive Logic Programming and Collaborative Data Mining. He lectures courses related to information processing, data mining, decision support and database marketing. While at the Faculty of Economics, where he stayed from 1996 to 2009, he launched, with other colleagues, the MSc. on Data Analysis and Decisison Support Systems, which he coordinated from 2000 to April 2008. He lead research projects on data mining and web intelligence. He was the director of the Masters in Computer Science at DCC-FCUP from June 2010 to August 2013. He is currently in the managing board of this MSc. course. He co-chaired international conferences (Discovery Science 2009, ECML/PKDD 05 and EPIA 01), workshops and seminars in data mining and artificial intelligence. He was Vice-President of APPIA the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence. Recently responsible by the participation of INESC TEC in a project on recommendations with Porto Editora.