37º MaxEnt

37º MaxEnt

37º MaxEnt

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For over 35 years, the MaxEnt workshops have explored the use of Bayesian and Maximum Entropy methods in scientific and engineering applications. The workshop invites contributions on all aspects of probabilistic inference, including novel techniques and applications, and work that sheds new light on the foundations of inference. In previous workshops, areas of application have included astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry, communications theory, cosmology, climate studies, earth science, fluid mechanics, genetics, geophysics, machine learning, material science, medical imaging, nanoscience, source separation, thermodynamics (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), particle physics, plasma physics, quantum mechanics, robotics and social sciences. Bayesian computational techniques such as Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling have been regular topics, as are approximate inferential methods. Foundational issues involving probability theory and information theory, and the novel application of inference to illuminate the foundations of physical theories, have also been of keen interest.

The 37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (“MaxEnt 2017”) will be held in Paradies Resort Hotel, Jarinu/SP, Brazil, from 09 to 14 July, 2017.

The workshop will include four tutorial sessions, invited papers, contributed papers and poster presentations. Contributed papers related to the above topics are being solicited. Especially encouraged are papers whose content is novel, either as to approach or area of application. One-page abstracts of the proposed papers should be submitted (here). Selected papers will be edited by the organizing committee and published in the proceedings. In addition, a special issue of the journal Entropy is planned that will be open to extended papers (invited and contributed) based on MaxEnt contributions. These papers will be subjected to the journal’s usual peer-review process. Also, it will be given the “Young Author Best Paper Entropy Award”, more deatils in award page.

Seizing the opportunity of the MaxEnt, and that we will be with very nice friends, the GIS – Group of Inductive Statistics – will do an (informal) honor to Prof. Julio Stern (probably a special dinner). We will celebrate his contributions for science, but mainly his leadership and help to development of Brazilian scientific research. It was supposed to be a secret, unfortunately Julio discovered the idea. In this case, we consider that it is fair to tell to all of you our idea. However, Julio promised us that he will do a surprise face during at the MaxEnt 2017.

E-mail: group.inductive@gmail.com

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Date And Time

09-07-2017 to

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