VI Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods

VI Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods

VI Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods

157 157 people viewed this event.

The Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods is a meeting organized by the Join Graduate Program in Statistics UFSCar/USP (PIPGEs) with the aim of discussing new developments in statistics, probability and their applications.

Activities include invited speaker sessions, short talks, a poster session and a short course devoted to graduate students. The topics of this new edition include probability and stochastic processes, statistical inference, regression models, survival analysis and related topics.

Organizing Committee

Daniane Zuanetti – UFSCar
Rafael Stern – UFSCar
Ricardo Ehlers – USP (Chair)
Pablo Rodriguez – USP
Vera Tomazella – UFSCar (Chair)

Scientific Committee
Adriano Polpo – UFSCar
Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira – USP
Enrico Colosimo – UFMG
Francisco Louzada Neto – USP
Josemar Rodrigues – USP

Visit the Workshop website to check the full program.


Date And Time

05-07-2018 to



Tipos de eventos

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