VI Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods
The Workshop on Probabilistic and Statistical Methods is a meeting organized by the Join Graduate Program in Statistics UFSCar/USP (PIPGEs) with the aim of discussing new developments in statistics, probability and their applications.
Activities include invited speaker sessions, short talks, a poster session and a short course devoted to graduate students. The topics of this new edition include probability and stochastic processes, statistical inference, regression models, survival analysis and related topics.
Organizing Committee
Daniane Zuanetti – UFSCar
Rafael Stern – UFSCar
Ricardo Ehlers – USP (Chair)
Pablo Rodriguez – USP
Vera Tomazella – UFSCar (Chair)
Scientific Committee
Adriano Polpo – UFSCar
Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira – USP
Enrico Colosimo – UFMG
Francisco Louzada Neto – USP
Josemar Rodrigues – USP
Visit the Workshop website to check the full program.