

Lecture Notes

Ergodic Theory Lecture Notes

Tiago Pereira


Introduction to Random Matrices

Tiago Pereira


Stability of Synchronized Motion in Complex Networks

Tiago Pereira


Emergent hypernetworks in weakly coupled oscillators

Eddie Nijholt, Jorge L. Ocampo-Espindola, Deniz Eroglu, István Z. Kiss, Tiago Pereira

Nature Communications 13, 4849 (2022)

Quantifying protocols for safe school activities

Juliano Genari, Guilherme Tegoni Goedert, Sergio H. A. Lira et al.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Prevalence and predictors of anti-SARS-CoV-2 serology in a highly vulnerable population of Rio de Janeiro: A population-based serosurvey

Lara E. Coelho, Paula M. Luz, Debora C. Pires, et al.

The Lancet Regional Health – Americas 15: 100338 (2022)

Absolute stability and absolute hyperbolicity in systems with discrete time-delays

Serhiy Yanchuk, Matthias Wolfrum, Tiago Pereira, Dmitry Turaev

Journal of Differential Equations 318, 323  (2022)

Robot Dance: A mathematical optimization platform for intervention against COVID-19

Luis G. Nonato, Pedro Peixoto, Tiago Pereira, Claudia Sagastizabal, Paulo J.S. Silva

Euro Journal on Computational Optimization (2022)

Coherence resonance in influencer networks

Ralf Tönjes, Carlos E. Fiore, Tiago Pereira

Nature Communications (2021)

Chimera states through invariant manifold theory

Jaap Eldering, Jeroen S.W. Lamb, Tiago Pereira, Edmison Roque dos Santos

Nonlinearity 34 5344 (2021)

Optimized delay of the second COVID-19 vaccine dose reduces ICU admissions

Paulo J.S. Silva, Claudia Sagastizabal, Luis G. Nonato, Cláudio J. Struchiner, Tiago Pereira

PNAS (2021)

Recovering sparse networks: Basis adaptation and stability under extensions

Marcel Novaes, Edmilson Roque dos Santos, Tiago Pereira

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 424, 132895 (2021)

Smart testing and critical care bed sharing for COVID-19 control

Paulo Silva, Tiago Pereira, Claudia Sagastizabal, Luis Nonato, Marcelo Cordova, Cláudio Struchiner

PLoS ONE 16(10): e0257235 (2021)

Robot dance: a city-wise automatic control of Covid-19 mitigation levels

Paulo J. S. Silva, Tiago Pereira, Luis Gustavo Nonato

medRxiv and bioRxiv (2020)

Heterogeneously Coupled Maps: hub dynamics and emergence across connectivity layers

Tiago Pereira, Sebastian van Strien and Matteo Tanzi

Journal of the European Mathematical Society 22, 2183-2252 (2020)

Revealing Dynamics, Communities, and Criticality from Data + Supplementals

Deniz Eroglu, Matteo Tanzi,  Sebastian van Strien, and Tiago Pereira

Physical Review X 10, 021047 (2020)

An SIQ delay differential equations model for disease control via isolation

Stefan Ruschel, Tiago Pereira, Serhiy Yanchuk, Lai-Sang Young

Journal of Mathematical Biology (2019)

Robustness of ergodic properties of nonautonomous piecewise expanding maps

Matteo Tanzi, Tiago Pereira, and Sebastian van Strien

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 67, 1-32 (2019)

Consequences of delays and imperfection of isolation in epdemic control

Lai-Sang Young, Stefan Ruschel, Tiago Pereira, Serhiy Yanchuk,

Nature Scientific Reports 9:3505 (2019)

The Effects of Structural Perturbations on the Synchronizability of Diffusive Networks

Camille Poignard, Jan Philipp Pade, and Tiago Pereira

Journal of Nonlinear Science (2019)

Synchronization in Networks with Strongly Delayed Couplings

Daniel M. N. Maia, Elbert E. N. Macau, Tiago Pereira, Serhiy Yanchuk

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – 23, 3461-3482 (2018)

Spectra of Laplacian matrices of weighted graphs: structural genericity properties

Camille Poignard, Tiago Pereira, Jan Philipp Pade

SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics (2018)

Coupling functions: Universal insights into dynamical interaction mechanisms

Tomislav Stankovski, Tiago Pereira, Peter V. E. McClintock, Aneta Stefanovska

Review of Modern Physics 89,  045001 (2017)

Synchronization of Chaos and its Applications

Deniz Eroglu, Jeroen Lamb, Tiago Pereira

Contemporary Physics 58, 207-243 (2017)

Anticipated and zero-lag synchronization in motifs of delay-coupled systems

C.R. Mirasso, P.V. Carelli, T. Pereira, F.S. Matias, and M. Copelli

Chaos 27, 114305 (2017)

Self-Synchronization in Duty-cycled Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

Poonam Yadav, Julie A. McCann, Tiago Pereira

IEEE Internet of Things Jounal (2017)

CeMEAI: The Brazilian Center and Its Mathematics Research for Industry


American Mathematical Society. Notices 64, 450-454, 2017

Persistence of Network Synchronization under Nonidentical Coupling Functions

Daniel Maia, Elbert EN Macau, and Tiago Pereira

SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems 15, 1563 (2016)

Control of epidemics on complex networks: Effectiveness of delayed isolation

Tiago Pereira and Lai-Sang Young

Physical Review E 92, 022822 (2015)

Adding connections can hinder network synchronization of time-delayed oscillators

JD Hart, JP Pade, T Pereira, TE Murphy, R Roy

Physical Review E 92,  022804 (2015)

Explosive Synchronization is Discontinous

Vladimir Vlasov, Yong Zou, and Tiago Pereira

Physical Review E 92,  012904 (2015)

Bifurcations of mutually coupled equations in random graphs

Eduardo Garibaldi and Tiago Pereira

arxiv (arXiv:1409.5726 [math.DS]).

Dynamics of Cluster Synchronisation in Modular Networks

Jake Stroud, Mauricio Barahona and Tiago Pereira

Springer Cybernetics (2015)

Fast Fermi Acceleration and Entropy Growth

Tiago Pereira and Dmitry Turaev

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (Cambridge)

Improving the Network Structure can lead to Functional Failures

Jan Philipp Pade and Tiago Pereira

Nature Sci. Rep. 5, 9968 (2015).

Exponential energy growth in adiabatically changing Hamiltonian Systems

Tiago Pereira and Dmitry Turaev

Physical Review E 91, 01090 1(Rapid Communications) 2015

Basin of Attraction Determines Hysteresis in Explosive Synchronization

Yong Zou, Tiago Pereira, M. Small, Z. Liu, J. Kurths

Physical Review Letters 112, 114102 (2014)

Dynamics of Coupled Maps in Heterogeneous Random Networks

Tiago Pereira, Sebastian van Strien, Jeroen S.W. Lamb

(arXiv:1308.5526 [math.DS] ).

Towards a theory for diffusive coupling functions allowing persistent synchronization

Tiago Pereira, Jaap Eldering, Martin Rasmussen, Alexei Veneziani

Nonlinearity 27, 501 (2014).

Connectivity-Driven Coherence in Complex Networks

Tiago Pereira, D. Eroglu, G. B. Bagci, U. Tirnakli, H. J. Jensen

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 234103 (2013)

Asymptotic integral kernel for ensembles of random normal matrices with radial potentials

A.M. Veneziani, D.H.U. Marchetti, and T. Pereira,

Jour. Math. Phys. 53, 023303 (2012)

Phase synchronization of bursting neurons in clustered small-world networks

C. Batista, E. Lameu et al.

Phys. Rev. E, 86, 016211 (2012)

Conformal Deformation of Equilibrium Measures in Normal Random Ensembles

A.M. Veneziani, T. Pereira and D.H.U. Marchetti

Jour. Phys. A: Math.Theor. 44, 075202 (2011)

Extracellular potassium dynamics in the hyperexcitable state of the neuronal ictal activity

G. Florence, T. Pereira, J. Kurths

Communications in Nonlinear Science 17, 4700 (2012)

Hub Synchronization in Scale-Free Networks

Tiago Pereira

Physical Review E 82, 036201 (2010)

Selected for Biological Physics Research 20(6), 2010.

Quantum States Allowing Minimum Uncertainty Product of phi and Lz

T. Pereira and D.H.U. Marchetti

Progress in Theoretical Physics 122, 1137 (2009)

Network mutual information and synchronization under time transformations

T. Pereira, M. Thiel, M.S. Baptista, J. Kurths

New Jour. Phys. 10, 083003 (2008).

General Framework for Phase Synchronization through Localized Sets

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, J. Kurths

Physical Review E 75, 026216 (2007) (to the article).

Selected for Biological Physics Research 13(5) 2007

Phase and Average Period of Chaotic Attractors

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, J. Kurths

Physics Letters A 262, 159 (2007)

Detecting Phase Synchronization by Localized Maps: Application to Neural Networks

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, J. Kurths

Europhysics Letters 77, 40006 (2007) (to the article).

Multi-time-scales synchronization and information processing in bursting neural networks

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, and J. Kurths

European Physics Journal ST 146, 155 (2007) (to the article).

Onset of Phase Synchronization in Neurons Connected by Chemical Synapses

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, M. Reyes, J. Kurths

International Journal Bifurcation and Chaos 17, 3545 (2007)

Global Bifurcation Destroying the Torus T2

T. Pereira, M.S. Baptista, et al.

Physical Review E 73 , 107201 (2006) (to the article).

Upper bounds in phase synchronous weak coherent chaotic attractors

M.S. Baptista, T. Pereira, and J. Kurths

Physica D 216, 260 (2006)

Non-Transitive maps in Phase Synchronization

M.S. Baptista, T. Pereira, et al.

Physica D 212, 216 (2005)

Phase Synchronization in The Perturbed Chua Circuit

M. S. Baptista, T. Pereira, et al.,

Physical Review E 67, 056212 (2003)

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