Identification of brain structures and mechanisms involved in tinnitus phenomena (in analogy of Neurofunctional Tinnitus model) by means of clinical assessments as Tinnitus questionnaires, patient histories, audiological tests, physiological tests, High Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) and resting state fMRI, resting state EEG and dense EEG is the main objective of current proposal. It is a multicenter clinical project with agreements of cooperation involving two clinics in Brazil (Sao Paulo and Ribeiro Preto), one clinic in Tehran and an Iranian Knowledge-based corporation, FGSco. This corporation has shared his diagnostic technologies and devices, called “TINAD”, for each clinical partner. All the agreements as well as the support from CEPID/CEMEAI were established after August, 2014. In this period, protocols of clinical procedures were also defined and the training of some clinicians for the use of TINAD was performed.
Alexandre Delbem, Iman Ghodrati Toostani, Tanit Ganz Sanches